Standing Committees
Our committees are always looking for new volunteers with fresh ideas, time, and energy; visit our web pages to get more details and contact the committee chair in your area of interest or expertise to get involved.
Education and Outreach, Chair: (open)
Government Liaison, Chair: Ramona Krogman
Invasive Species, Chair: Jerry Levine
Membership, Chair: Martha Sheldon
Newsletter, Editor: Geri Williams
Water Quality, Co-chairs: Don Williams, Jack Kedian
Water Safety, Chair: Tom O’Brien
Communications, Chair: Beth Sobiloff
Ad hoc Committees
Various ad hoc committees have also operated as needed to accomplish our goals:
- “Shed Faire” watershed fund raiser
- Post card mailer to watershed residents
- Stewardship Guide creation and distribution – Makepeace Neighborhood Fund grant
- HPWA photo contest and 18 month calendar fundraiser
- Annual members picnics 2013-2018
- Parcel 15 support fundraising
- Run, Herring, Run superhero comic creation – New England Grass Roots Environment Fund
- Draft NOAA nomination of ACEC as nexus for River Herring research and protection
- Volunteer Herring Count scheduling
- Kids Table Activities at SEMPBA Pine Fest, Plimoth Plantation Herring Festival, and Fishing Derby
- Little Herring Pond/Triangle Pond legal defense, land protection and clean-up
Interested in helping?
Please complete the form below if you are interested in volunteering on a committee.