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Past Events

Saturday, July 27th, 2024 Movie Night Under the Stars
6:30 PM
175 Herring Pond Road
Courtesy of the Nichols Family

 – Grease! –

Social hour beginning at 6:30 – Movie at sunset
Watch from your boat on the pond or on lawn/beach
at 175 Herring Pd Road – The Nichols Home
Parking in driveway and across the street
Complimentary: Popcorn will be popping – hot dogs steaming – snacks, waters, and sodas

Saturday, August 3, 2024, 3:00 pm, Annual Picnic on the Pond
(Rain Date: Sunday, August 4)
173 Herring Pond Road, The Weston Bog/Beach

(Plenty of parking, beach, swimming)

  • Brush up on your Herring Ponds trivia for a prize to the winner.
  • Enjoy complementary hamburgers, hotdogs, sodas, and waters.
  • BYOB
  • Bring your favorite potluck dish.
  • Bring the kids/grandkids to enjoy fishing coached by an expert fisherman (fishing rods provided).
  • Participate in a cornhole tournament for a prize to the winners.
  • A few kayaks will be provided if you want to take a ride or take a ride on a pontoon boat

Thursday, August 22, HPWA Annual Meeting
7:00 pm, Little Red School House

Hear what HPWA board and members have been doing to preserve and protect our special watershed. Learn about the Permeable Reactive Barrier and how it is functioning to reduce the phosphorus entering Great Herring Pond. Share your ideas and have your questions answered. There will be an election of half of the Board Members as our bylaws dictate be done each year. Then we’ll share refreshments and social time together.

Tuesday, August 27, Pontoon Boat Tour of Great Herring Pond

Another opportunity to tour GHP by boat while hearing about the wildlife, geology, history of the Pond and what HPWA is doing to protect and improve the water quality. Children are welcome. If you would like to join this boat tour contact Jack Kedian at

July 4, 2024, Great Herring Pond Boat Parade
5:30 PM

Celebrate the 4th of July Herring Pond Style
Join the Boat Parade around the Pond, or Cheer from the Shore
Line up boats at 3rd rock (near sand bar)
Prizes for the best decorated boat

Wednesday, July 10, Boat Tour of Great Herring Pond
6:30 pm

Enjoy a pontoon boat tour of Great Herring Pond while learning about the wildlife, geology, history of the Pond and what HPWA is doing to protect and improve the water quality. (In case of bad weather, the tour will happen on Thursday, July 11 at 6:30pm.)  Families and children are welcome, but spaces are limited. Tour will last about an hour. If you would like to join the boat tour contact Jack Kedian at  

Saturday, July 13, Boat Tour of Great Herring Pond

Another opportunity to enjoy a pontoon boat tour of Great Herring Pond. Contact Jack Kedian at to reserve your place for a boat tour.

June 15, 10am, Butterfly Discovery Walk with Blake Dinius in Myles Standish State Forest

Want to reduce stress? Exercise more? Butterfly watching is a meditative experience that will get you out in nature and achieving those goals. Bring your children and friends and join Blake Dinius, Plymouth County Entomologist Educator, for a leisurely walk while learning about butterflies and other insects. HPWA is sponsoring this opportunity. We will meet Saturday, June 15 in Parking Lot 2 in Myles Standish State Forest on Upper College Pond Rd. at 10am (see article for more details).

May 18, Plymouth Town Clean Up

Join HPWA volunteers to clean up along the roadside or park area in your neighborhood to help beautify our watershed on Saturday, May 18. Meet Paul Denoncourt between 10am-noon at Elmer Raymond Park. You will be provided with special purple bags from the Town to collect roadside trash, which you will then return to the park and enjoy some snacks and social time. If Saturday morning does not work for you, contact Paul Denoncourt at or call or text him at 207-460-3031 to arrange to pick some bags. Hopefully with more volunteers we can clean up more area around our lovely ponds, allowing nature to shine.

May 18, 7am-9am Bird walk with Brian Harrington and Martha Sheldon

Join Martha Sheldon and Brian Harrington on Saturday, the 18th of May for a HPWA spring bird walk at the Carter Beal Conservation Area, starting with tailgate coffee and donuts at 6:45 and walk starting at 7 AM. Rain date May 19 (see article).

May 13, 7pm, Learn about Environmental Issues with Dylan Fernandes

Please join the HPWA sponsored program to hear about our most pressing environmental issues with Dylan Fernandes, a Massachusetts State Representative, on Monday May 13 at 7pm at the Wildlands Trust Barn, 675 Long Pond Road. As an advocate for clean water and air Dylan has been instrumental in passing many bills and securing funding to protect people and our environment. This will also be an opportunity to ask questions and make your concerns heard by this hard-working young legislator and State Senate candidate (see article for more details).

April 20, 10am-3pm, Plymouth Herring Run Festival

Celebrate the running of alewives and blueback herring and learn more about them at the Herring Fest 2024 at Jenny Pond Park. HPWA will be hosting our popular Herring Obstacle Course on the hillside near the Plimoth Grist Mill for children to learn about the return of the herring to spawn. Many volunteers are needed to help with this activity. Contact Tess Goldmann ( ) to learn how you can help.

April 18, 7pm, Learn all about Mosquitoes with Blake Dinius

Sponsored by HPWA at Wildlands Trust, 675 Long Pond Rd. Mosquitoes are among the deadliest animals on the planet. But, only a small fraction of our 50+ mosquito species serve as human disease vectors. So come learn how to protect yourself and your family while maintaining a safe environment (see article for more details).

March 28, 5:30pm, Bat Conservation Talk, Wildlands Trust

Join Wildlands Trust at their Conservation Barn, 675 Long Pond Road for a talk on bats by Jennifer Longsdorf of MassWildLife. Jennifer will share her knowledge of one the most underappreciated and misunderstood mammals on earth. For more information:

March 27, 4-6pm, Protecting Our Lands and Waters

 The Community Land and Water Coalition is presenting an information and brainstorming session in the Fehlow Room of the Plymouth Library on the challenges we share protecting land and water in Plymouth and beyond. The discussion will center on open space stewardship, surface and groundwater, and enforcement of bylaws.

=> Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 7pm
Native Plants and Eco-friendly Land Care Practices

Kristin AndresWith Kristin Andres, Associate Director for Education & Informational Services for the Association to Preserve Cape Cod (APCC)

Kristin will discuss via Zoom how to incorporate more native plants into our yards to create better habitats to encourage and sustain birds, native pollinators and other insects. She will also speak on how to love our ponds to improve their health. We will learn tips for ecological land care to be better stewards of our watershed.

Watch the Replay Here!

Kristin Andres is responsible for APCC’s educational programming. She is deeply involved in APCC’s native plant initiative and promotes ecological land care and thoughtful stewardship of our managed landscapes. On the APCC grounds, Kristin continues to develop the Living Landscape Laboratory, which includes displays of native gardens and showcases sustainable land care practices.

Before joining the staff at APCC in 2015, Kristin served the town of Chatham as its conservation agent for 16 years. She serves on board of the Ecological Landscape Alliance and on several other local boards and committees.

=> Monday, December 4, 7pm
How Climate Change is Affecting Bird Migrations

Steve French of Audubon
Wildlands Trust Conservation Barn, 675 Long Pond Rd. Plymouth or you can attend by Zoom (see button below to register for link).

Increasing temperatures, altered habitats, and extreme weather conditions have lead to changes in migratory birds’ patterns and behaviors. Citing research studies and using regional native species as examples, Steve French will discuss the effect of climate change on bird populations here in Southeastern Massachusetts and what can be done to mitigate the impact. 

Registration is appreciated. Seating is first come, first serve. Doors open at 6:30. There will be a live zoom option to enjoy this talk virtually. Please register below to have the zoom link emailed to you. 

This presentation is brought to you by the Herring Ponds Watershed Association and hosted by Wildlands Trust.

Steve French is a Field Teacher with Mass Audubon South East and has completed the Mass Audubon Field Naturalist Program. Prior to joining Mass Audubon as a staff member, he volunteered with the organization for over a decade. Steve is a graduate of Northeastern University with a background in Information Technology and retired owner of Wild Birds Unlimited in Hanover. He is an active community member supporting conservation causes and has lead presentations, walks, and excursions utilizing his extensive knowledge of birds and regional history. Steve’s passions include exploring nature, hiking, and kayaking.


=> Sep 20, 2023 07:00 PM 
Innovative and Alternative Septic Systems, by Bryan Horsley
SEMPBA Headquarters, 158 Center Hill Rd.
Watch the Recorded Presentation:  

Join HPWA for a program by Bryan Horsley of MASSTC. This presentation will focus on identifying the water quality problems associated with nutrient pollution from on-site residential septic systems and then discussion of innovative/alternative (IA) septic systems and ecological sanitation strategies that can reduce that pollution at the source.

Since the GHP and LHP Water Quality Analysis and Management Plan found that the largest source of phosphorus which causes GHP cyanobacteria blooms and other impairments is septic systems, this program is very timely and relevant. 

Bryan Horsley joined the MASSTC team in 2020 as the Site Operator and more recently has been promoted to Project Assistant. Through his studies and work history he’s built a diverse skill set and knowledge base in the fields of wastewater management, marine and freshwater ecology, ecological restoration, stormwater management, renewable energy and ecological sanitation. A native Cape Codder and avid outdoorsman, he has witnessed water quality degradation firsthand and is passionate about protecting the local environment and finding sustainable long-term solutions.

We will make this a hybrid meeting so that if you cannot attend in person at SEMPBA, you can participate by zoom.

=> August 5, 2pm – 5pm:
HPWA Annual Picnic on the Pond

Our 8th annual potluck and cook out at The Weston’s Bogs at 173 Herring Pond Road. There will be land and water activities and all children are welcome. Bring an appetizer, salad or dessert to share, HPWA will provide hamburgers and hotdogs, soft drinks and paper goods.

=> August 21, 7pm:
HPWA Annual Meeting at the Little Red School House

Join our Annual Meeting for updates from committee chairs on HPWA activities and projects, election of Board of Directors and some social time to meet and greet other members. This is your opportunity to ask questions and offer suggestions. We plan to make this a hybrid meeting so that if you cannot attend in person, you can participate by zoom. More details will follow in the next newsletter and email follow-ups.

=> August 26, 7:30 pm:
Movie Night Under the Stars

Come by boat or land to 175 Herring Pond Rd. to view the classic movie to be determined. Bring your own snacks, beverages, a blanket or lawn chairs. Popcorn will be provided by HPWA.

=> July 4, 6pm,
Great Herring Pond Boat Parade

Meet up at 3 Rocks area, the sandbar for line-up.

=> July 22, 8:30pm:
Movie Night Under the Stars

Come by boat or land to 175 Herring Pond Rd. to view the classic movie Jaws under the stars with friends and neighbors. Bring your own snacks and beverages, and lawn chairs or a blanket and bug spray. Popcorn will be provided by HPWA. There will be parking in the driveway at 175Herring Pond Rd.

=> July 25, 7pm:
Program with David Gould, ‘Restoring Plymouth, One Project at a Time’

Wildlands Conservation Barn, 675 Long Pond Rd. Learn more from David who is widely know for his shepherding of conservation and wetland restoration projects throughout Plymouth and his engaging humor.

=> June 4, 10am – 2pm:
Family Fishing Day
(State Approved No License Required)

Open to boaters and non-boaters. Come to 175 Herring Pond Rd. for fishing, hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers, chips, watermelon and water.

=> May 6, 10am to noon or noon-2pm:
Owl Nest Box Building Workshop

Come build an owl nesting box at the Little Red School House! All supplies will be provided. $25 donation or anything that you can afford is requested.  See article for more information and to register



=> May 13, all day:
Plymouth Hometown Cleanup Day

HPWA volunteers will be picking up trash along the roads in our watershed. Purple bags are provided by the Town and will be picked up at the designated spot on Little Herring Pond Rd. at the end of the day. Paul Denoncourt will coordinate this effort. If you would like to participate by cleaning an area near your home, call or email Paul at 207-460-3031 or . He will provide more information and secure the purple trash bags from Town.

Blue Jay

=> May 16 & 23, 7am
Bird Walk with Brian Harrington and Martha Sheldon

Join Brian and Martha, our resident bird experts, for an informative and enjoyable bird walk in the Carter Beal Conservation Area located at the junction of Bournedale and Herring Pond Rd. either or both mornings. The walk may be canceled in the event of heavy rain. (call 774-487-2683 after 6am on the morning of the walk if in doubt.)

=> April 22, 10am – 3pm:
Herring Festival

HPWA will again conduct it’s popular, fun and educational Herring Run Obstacle Course for children and outreach. Bring your kids and grandkids to the park at the Plimoth Grist Mill. Volunteer help is needed, email Tess Goldmann at

Read more

=> April 24, 7pm:
Zoom program on Juvenile Herring with UMass researcher Meghna Marjadi

Meghna will discuss the video tracking system installed at Great Herring Pond and some results from her study of juvenile emigration patterns in relation to environmental conditions. Meghna is completing her PhD at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst in the Graduate Program in Organismic and Evolutionary Biology and is a Switzer Foundation Fellow. Join the Zoom Meeting

=> March 28, 2023

Exploring the World of Fungi with Aaron Keating

 Aaron Keaton is a mycologist currently based out of Plymouth, MA. A graduate from Keene State College, he has continued to study fungi throughout New Hampshire and in his hometown of Plymouth. Aaron’s work emphasizes the ecological role of fungi, highlighting the benefits they provide for the environment. He is also interested in their practical use as food, medicine, and their impact on culture. 

Click here for the recording

=> February 16, 6 pm

Presentation on the Water Quality Plan by Ed Eichner

The results of the long awaited Water Quality Plan will be presented by Ed Eichner of TMDL Solutions and SMAST, the chief author the study. He will discuss the findings that indicate the sources of phosphorus in both Great and Little Herring ponds and actions that can be taken to achieve the goal of reducing pond phosphorus to a level that will not allow large algae and or cyanobacteria blooms in GHP. Ed will allow plenty of time to answer your questions.

Ed Eichner’s Presentation – pdf

See the zoom meeting (Unfortunately, we did not record the first few minutes of the presentation.)

=>December 13th, 7 PM via Zoom

Hiking the Appalachian Trail with Paul Denoncourt
Have you ever thought about stepping out of society for six months to hike and camp in the woods? HPWA Board of Directors member Paul Denoncourt MD did just that as he hiked the entire Appalachian Trail this year.

Paul will give a Zoom presentation on his epic journey on December 13th at 7 PM as part of HPWA’s continuing public education program series. He will discuss the Trail’s history, the physical and mental challenges it presents, and the rewards it bestows on the very few who successfully complete it. Lace up your hiking shoes and join us for his talk.

Sit in your favorite chair, relax from the holiday bustle for an hour and partake in Paul’s adventure.


Annual Picnic

=> Saturday, August 6th, rain date August 7th
       3 pm to 6 pm
       The Weston’s Bogs at 173 Herring Pond Road

Come one, come all to the 8th annual HPWA Picnic on the Pond at the Weston’s bog on Great Herring Pond. There will be land and water activities and all children are welcome. This is a great opportunity to meet your neighbors around the Herring Ponds in a casual and enjoyable environment.

You can come by car or boat. There will be ample parking for both. We ask you to bring an appetizer, salad, main dish or dessert to share with your old and new friends. We will provide the plates, cups, napkins, soft drinks and dinnerware. We will also have hot dogs and hamburgers from the grill. Some seats will be available but you may want to bring some as well.

For further information contact Jack Kedian 508-280-7073 or

HPWA Annual Meeting

=> Monday, August 22 at 7pm
      SEMPBA meeting room, 158 Center Hill Rd., off of Rt. 3A

We will elect half of the Board of Directors, as per our Organizational bylaws. Up for election are:

Jack Kedian, Co-chair Water Quality Committee
John Foye, currently serving as Treasurer
Martha Sheldon, Chair of the Membership Committee and member of the Communications Committee
Philip Angell, currently serving as Vice-President
Ramona Krogman, currently serving as a Member-at-Large, and Herring count coordinator
Don Williams, currently serving as President.

Also please see the Preliminary Report of the 2022 Nominating Committee

There will be brief reports of the activities of the committees with time for questions and comments. Then we will have a program on “Birds in Our Watershed” with lots of photos by expert birders Brian Harrington and Martha Sheldon. Followed by refreshments and time for socializing.

We hope you will be able to attend and provide your input as to how HPWA can better help preserve our special environment. If you cannot attend in person, we plan to arrange a hybrid meeting so you can participate by zoom. Look for an email in August with more details.

Butterfly Walk with Blake Dinius

June 26, 2022, 10 am
Myles Standish State Forest

See photos of this event

Want to reduce stress? Exercise more? Butterfly watching is a meditative experience that will get you out in nature and achieving those goals.

Bring your children and friends and join Blake Dinius, the Plymouth County Entomologist Educator, for a leisurely walk while learning about butterflies. Registration not required. 

We will meet in Parking Lot 2 in Miles Standish State Forest on Upper College Pond Rd. at 10am.

Enter at the East Entrance onto Alden Rd., follow it until you hit Upper College Pond Road. This will be on your left. When you get to the intersection of Upper and Lower College Pond Road, keep left and stay on Upper College Pond Road.  Stay on this until you hit Parking Lot #2 (on your right).

You can find over 100 species of butterflies in Massachusetts.

Some butterflies that are common to find this time of year include:

Spring azure; Pearl crescent; American lady; American copper; Clouded sulphur; Orange sulphur; Cabbage white. There is also a chance that we might see some more rare butterflies as well.

Herring Counts anytime

=> April 1 – May 31

Join volunteers to observe and count herring swimming upstream into Great Herring Pond to spawn. Contact Ramona Krogman ( if you can donate 10 minutes once or twice a week. (See feature article.)

World Declines in Insect Population

=> April 12, 2022 at 7pm

a Zoom program with Blake Dinius, Plymouth County Entomologist. 

Just this past September, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service declared 23 species in America to be extinct.

In 2018, the New York Times published on the “insect apocalypse,” a term that has come to represent both documented and anecdotal declines in insect populations around the world.

When we think of examples of endangered species, our minds often jump to animals from distant lands: pandas, tropical birds, rhinos, big cats. But Plymouth County is home to several protected species of insects:

  • Buck Moth (Hemileuca maia), special concern
  • Frosted Elfin Butterfly (Callophrys irus), special concern
  • And, Barrens Tiger Beetle (Cicindela patruela), endangered


These species need our help just as much as any others.

Insects make up 77% (or more) of all animal life. They fulfill vital roles for keeping our planet functioning, such as pollinating our flowers, serving as food sources for birds, decomposing wastes, and cycling nutrients.

While some agree with the Times article, others say that “it’s not as bad as it seems.” This is hopeful, but is it true? The correct answer to this question is critical.

Join our program on Tuesday, April 12 at 7pm where we will review the literature surrounding this nuanced and (still developing) topic of entomology. We will also review ways that you can make your own yard a safe haven for nature. Whether rare or common, in the words of E. O. Wilson, insects are “the little things that run the world.”

Blake graduated with a degree in Biology from University of Massachusetts – Boston. Soon after, he began a 7-year career in insect research where he directed studies on bees, lacewings, springtails, earthworms, and other critters. He helped to develop guidelines and practices that are currently being used world-wide in the world of ecotoxicology.

As an extension educator, Blake serves the county by delivering science-based education in the form of actionable items – Information that you can put into practice and rely on.

Blake offers programs on anything entomology-related: From pollinator gardening to tick bite prevention to educational butterfly walks.

Click here to register

Herring Festival

=> April 23, 10am-3pm

Celebrate the running of alewives and blueback herring and learn more about them at the Herring Festival at the Jenny Pond Park. HPWA with the Herring Pond Wampanoag Tribe will be hosting a Herring Fish Ladder Adventure Activity on the hillside near the Plimoth Grist Mill for children to learn about the herring return to fresh water to spawn while having fun. Many volunteers are needed to help with this activity. Contact Melissa Ferretti ( ) to learn how you can help.

Explore some of the Herring Runs in Plymouth

=> May – any nice day

You can look for herring returning to their birthplace water in one or all five of the herring runs in Plymouth. Download the Herring Crawl Map and directions on the HPWA Website:

Town Clean Up

Town Cleanup

Trash collected by Jim Smith on Town Cleanup Day 2021

=> May 7 – anytime

Contact Linda White at  if you are willing to clean up along the roadside or park area in your neighborhood to help beautify our watershed on Saturday May 7. You will be provided with special purple bags from the Town, which DPW crews will collect from the roadside later in the day. Last year a small crew of HPWA members filled dozens of bags of discarded bottles and trash and a few others removed dozens of old tires from along the Carters River. Hopefully with more volunteers we can clean up more area around our lovely ponds, allowing Nature to shine rather than litter and trash.

Spring Bird Walks

=> May 17 and 24

Join Martha Sheldon and Brian Harrington on the 17th and/or the 24th of May for a HPWA spring bird walk at the Carter Beal Conservation Area, starting at 7 AM and ending around 10, or leave earlier if you choose. Cancelled in the event of heavy rain. The Conservation area is at the junction of Herring Pond Rd and Bourndale Rd.

Butterfly Discovery Walk

Crescent Butterfly

Cresent butterfly from Blake Dinius

=> June 26 10am
with Blake Dinius in Miles Standish State Forest

Want to reduce stress? Exercise more? Butterfly watching is a meditative experience that will get you out in nature and achieving those goals. Bring your children and friends and join Blake Dinius, the Plymouth County Entomologist Educator, for a leisurely walk while learning about butterflies.

We will meet in Parking Lot 2 in Miles Standish State Forest on Upper College Pond Rd. at 10am. Enter at the East Entrance onto Alden Rd., follow it until you hit Upper College Pond Road. This will be on your left. When you get to the intersection of Upper and Lower College Pond Road, keep left and stay on Upper College Pond Road.  Stay on this until you hit Parking Lot #2 (on your right).

You can find over 100 species of butterflies in Massachusetts. Some butterflies that are common to find this time of year include: Spring azure, Pearl crescent, American lady, American copper, Clouded sulphur, Orange sulphur, and Cabbage white. There is also a chance that we might see some more rare butterflies as well.

Tracking Herring Migration

=> March 15, 2022 at 7pm

A HPWA Zoom Program with Abigail Archer, Fisheries and Aquaculture Specialist, Cape Cod Cooperative Extension & Woods Hole Sea Grant

Abigail ArcherLearn more about our native herring and what is being done to restore their numbers.

River Herring, who use streams and ponds along the SE Massachusetts coast to spawn in April and May, were once very plentiful. But in recent decades they have become a severely diminished resource protected by the State. Plymouth has piloted programs to remove dams and restore streams to enhance the river herring migration.

Abigail will describe the river herring passage evaluation work that’s been taking place on Town Brook in Plymouth both before and after the Holmes Dam removal, and what passive integrated transponder telemetry tagging has shown about passage at the Jenney Grist Mill dam. She will also talk about the development of elementary, middle school, and high school lesson plans that are based on the research at Town Brook.

Abigail Archer works as an Extension Agent and Marine Resource Specialist for the Barnstable County Cape Cod Cooperative Extension Marine Program and Woods Hole Sea Grant. She serves as coordinator for the River Herring Network. She received a Bachelor of Arts in Natural Science and Dance from Hampshire College in 2002 and a Masters of Science in Wildlife & Fisheries Conservation from University of Massachusetts, Amherst in 2009. 

A HPWA Zoom Program with Stephen McCloskey of WDC – Whale and Dolphin Conservation, North America

=> Thursday, February 17,2022 at 7:00 pm

If you’re lucky, you can spot North Atlantic Right Whales in early spring and summer months in Cape Cod Bay and the Gulf of Maine. However, these whales are becoming increasingly harder to find as there are fewer than 400 individuals left in the world. Stephen McCloskey explains why whales are important, dives into the unique anatomy of N.A. Right Whales, and assesses their current status. What threats do they face, and what’s being done to help save this highly endangered baleen whale species? Learn how you can help.

Stephen McCloskey is the Education Coordinator at WDC North America – Whale and Dolphin Conservation, a global charity dedicated to the protection of whales and dolphins. Stephen obtained a B.S. from Georgia College in Environmental Science. After graduating, he moved to Nantucket where he took a job as a Naturalist. Since then he has worked across multiple states in environmental and conservation education. Since obtaining his Master’s degree in Conservation Biology from Miami (OH) Global Field Program, Stephen has worked at WDC, based in Plymouth, MA.

Climate Change Impacts and What We Can Do

Melanie MonacoMonday, November 1, 7pm
HPWA Zoom Program with Melanie Monaco

Join Zoom Meeting:  Meeting ID: 301 350 2966

Melanie Monaco will be joining us to discuss Sustainable Plymouth’s outreach and advocacy campaign around climate impacts and local action. She will be discussing the accelerating climate change effects here in Plymouth and suggest what we can do.

Melanie Monaco founded Sustainable Plymouth two years ago. She is the former Chairperson and is currently on Sustainable Plymouth’s Advisory Board as the Treasurer.  Melanie is a full-time student with a focus on environmental accounting, as well as owning and operating a small bookkeeping firm with her niece. Her background is in logistics, administration, management, and financial accounting. She’s learning on the go about the issues affecting our ecosystem and considers herself a layperson in the environmental arena.  

Conserving Our Water Now for Our Children and the Ecosystem

Thursday, September 23rd, 7 pm
Via Zoom 

Eric Cody, Chair of the recently formed Plymouth Water Conservation Committee, will present some of the work the Committee has done and their recommendations for ways we can save water daily to preserve our aquifer and ensure there will be adequate water for our children and grandchildren. He will also address the challenge of changing the town’s mindset of only considering new wells when water demand is projected to exceed supply. All Plymouth residents share the same source for their water – the Plymouth Carver Sole Source Aquifer. Whether we are on Town water or our own wells, the water comes from the aquifer beneath our feet and is limited and threatened. We must learn to do our part to conserve it, and learn how to become part of the solution. 

Meeting ID: 301 350 2966

Comassakumkanut Preserve Ribbon Cutting

Saturday, August 28th, 11:00 am

Comassakumkanut ribbon cutting


HPWA Annual Meeting

Monday, August 16th, 7 pm
Pondville Wampanoag Meeting House
128 Herring Pond Rd

Please attend our Annual Meeting for the election of officers and updates on what HPWA is doing to preserve and protect our beautiful watershed. Geri Williams will give a short program with pictures of her gardens. She will share information on what works in our specific ecosystem and how to recognize and remove some of the pesky invasive plants we have. Afterward, we will share snacks and socialize.

Lands of the Herring Ponds Wampanoag

Thursday, July 15th, 7 pm
Little Red School House, Long Pond Rd

Melissa Ferretti, Chairlady of the Herring Pond Wampanoag Tribe, will discuss the historic lands of her tribe and their special relationship to and guardianship of the land within the Herring Ponds Watershed. The original reservation of the Herring Ponds Wampanoag Tribe encompassed much of the land along the east side of Great Herring Pond and to the north of it. We will learn about their early homes and way of life and how it was lost or taken from them, as well as how they continue the traditions of living with the land and caring for it.

=> June 7, 6:30 PM

Pond Safety

Where: on the lawn at Camp Bournedale, 110 Valley Road

We will hold our first in-person meeting of the year with Harbor Master Chad Hunter who will go over boating safety regulations, answer questions and help us understand how to keep ourselves and our neighbors safe on the water this summer.

=> Wednesdays, May 19 and 26, 7 AM

Spring Bird Walks

Warblers and Orioles! We are happy to announce that HPWA is planning two spring bird walks, one on May 19 and the other on May 26. Both walks will be co-led by ornithologist Brian Harrington and Martha Sheldon, starting at 7 am, for 2-3 hours. Participants can choose to leave the walk at any time. Meet at the Carter Beal Conservation Area, 20 Bournedale Road in Bourne. We will have a few binoculars available for loan. Walk will be cancelled in the event of heavy rain. Phone Martha at 774-217-8362 with any questions.

=> Saturday, May 8, anytime

Plymouth Clean Up Day

Please help beautify our watershed by removing trash and litter. Geri Williams will pick up special trash bags from Town Hall, and DPW will take them away for free after the clean-up date. If you would like to participate, contact Geri or phone 508-833-4355 to arrange to pick up a bag. Let her know the area you will be sprucing up and advise her where you will leave your filled bag. A simple way you can make a difference!

=> May 4, 2021.  7 PM, HPWA Zoom Presentation

Protecting Our Aquifer from Chemical Contamination

Brian Baumgaertel and Kalliope Chute (above) are water quality professionals at Barnstable County government and are part of the Groundwater Guardians team. Brian is the director of MassTC a national leader in innovative septic system research; and Kalliope leads the Water Quality and Hazardous Materials Program at Cape Cod Cooperative Extension with the goal of protecting Cape Cod’s largely unconfined sole source aquifer from chemical contamination. They will be discussing water quality issues, such as wastewater impacts on pond health, contaminants of emerging concern, and chemical resiliency. They’ll give information on proper disposal of unwanted medications, mercury, and other items too toxic to trash. They also provide guidance on proper septic system maintenance and innovative alternative options. Bought to you by Herring Ponds Watershed Association. 

=> Thursday, April 22, 7:00 PM

The Bugs That Bug You

A Zoom presentation by Plymouth County Entomologist Blake Dinius
Ticks and mosquitoes have existed on this planet for millions of years. More than just annoying, the bite from either one can pass on germs with life-altering consequences. (Step aside, great white sharks!)
While most people know a thing or two about them, myths and inaccuracies about bite prevention abound. What people DON’T know may leave their families and themselves vulnerable.
Understanding tick and mosquito biology holds the key to preventing disease. In this workshop, we will bust myths and review an integrated approach to fighting back against diseases. With the right knowledge and tools, vector-borne diseases are preventable.

=> February 22, 2021

Landscaping for Bird Diversity

A Zoom Presentation by Claudia Thompson, Founder of Grow Native Massachusetts

Do you aspire to create landscapes with genuine ecological value to a wide array of birds— from songbirds, to owls, woodpeckers and more? We will explore the principles and practices for achieving this in our home landscapes, action that is essential in a world where the survival of many native bird species is threatened. We’ll first consider the importance of native plants. Then we will look at the habitat requirements of different bird groups— the value of varied canopy layers, providing water, and the critical role of healthy ecological systems overall. We will also look at our human interactions with birds. What are the pros and cons of feeding birds, and do nest boxes really help our native songbirds to breed? We will also provide resources for learning more about the native plants most appropriate to our local ecosystem.

Ms. Thompson founded Grow Native Massachusetts in 2010 and led its programs and growth through its first decade, becoming recognized nationally as a leader in the native plant movement. She served as Director of Education for the Appalachian Mountain Club, Director of Drumlin Farm for Mass Audubon, and was on the board of the New England Wild Flower Society. She is a strong advocate for the importance of land stewardship and believes that conservation begins at home. Claudia’s happiest moments are spent in her own gardens, watching a diverse array of hawks, migrating songbirds, and even rare species such as woodcocks— all taking sustenance and utilizing the habitat she and her husband have created on a relatively small parcel in urban Cambridge. Learn more about her work at

=> October 24, 2020
World Fish Migration Day – see details

Earth Day 2020 – virtual event due to COVID-19 – see details

National Arbor Day – virtual event due to COVID-19 – see details

Herring Run Festival 2019

Member Picnic 2019

August 19, 2019
7:00 pm
Cedarville Fire Station

HPWA’s Public Program featured Capt. Mike Burns Jr., Director of Mass Maritime Academy’s Professional Advanced Shiphandling Training Professional Program, describing their use of manned model tankers on Great Herring Pond. 
[See presentation slides]

July 13, 2019
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Cedarville Fire Station

HPWA Shed Faire 2019
Reuse/Recycle/Repurposing Sale | Educational Displays, Member Folk Art and Socialization | See details

June 30, 2019
2:00 pm
Wildlands Trust Conservation Barn

A Videographer’s Tour of the Herring Ponds 
See video  

May 19, 2019

Naturescaping Your Yard
HPWA’s public program
Wildlands Trust

Michael Talbot, an award-winning landscape designer and Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner, showed ways to create yards that are colorful and interesting year-round, while providing improved wildlife habitat. Handouts

April 27, 2019

The 2019 Herring Run Festival
Plimoth Grist Mill.

The weather cooperated and many kids and adults enjoyed our new fish ladder activity! See HPWA Flyer and More

HPWA’s 2019 River Herring Count “ran” April 1 thru May 31 at Sandy Pond Rd bridge. Sixteen volunteers joined in the fun and became Citizen Scientists! Preliminary reports from the Cape Cod Canal electronic counter indicate numbers up as much as 48% or more over the previous year!


March 29, 2019
8:00 am -4:00 pm
Camp Kiwanee in Hanson

The Watershed Action Alliance (WAA) held a conference on “Water – New England’s Next Big Challenge”
See presentation pdfs

March 16, 2019
2:00 PM
Wildlands Trust Conservation Barn

HPWA provided a presentation about the history and methods associated with head-starting endangered Northern Red-bellied Cooter. Brian Bastarache and his students at the Bristol County Agricultural High School raise these endangered hatchling turtles and release them into the wild as part of the Mass Wildlife Headstart Program. This was a family friendly program to learn about these unique Plymouth turtles and the efforts being made to increase their population. Opportunity to visit and see 2 live young turtles in the Headstart Program at SEMPBA, 204 Long Pond Rd immediately followed.