Herring Run Festival 2023
Helpers are needed for HPWA’s Annual Plymouth Herring Run Festival Activity – Saturday, April 22 at Plimoth Grist Mill
HPWA will again host a herring ladder and slide activity for fun and hands-on learning about the herring life cycle. Setting up and supervising the 25-foot run is a labor-intensive task requiring a large number of volunteers over the 10 AM – 3 PM time frame.
Contact tessgoldmann@aol.com to volunteer.
Herring Run Child’s Play –The activity consists of a brief actual “run” much like herring make every Spring from the ocean back to the same freshwater rivers in which they were born — a hands-on, minds-on herring run activity.
Where kids color fish cutouts to make into headbands, take a bite of salty pretzel, wash the salt away with a sip of fresh water in the “acclimation pool”, then “run” like herring, carrying a ping pong “egg” up a 25-foot “fish ladder” complete with hazards (culvert, log jam, fish net, trash ring, and dam) plus predators (otter, herons, seagull, racoon, bullfrog, osprey, and eagle). Once their “egg” is deposited in the upper “pool” and “fertilized” with soap bubbles, they return to the sea via a “spillway” slide. Free HPWA superhero herring comics help them to relive the experience in their minds at story time.
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