Herring Run FestivalCommittee Chair – Tess Goldmann

Citizens and ACEC residents are integral to safeguarding our natural resources. HPWA provides information and promotes awareness for watershed stewardship, including newsletters and educational programs for the public. We also sponsor special projects Citizens and ACEC residents for children and adults alike. Our stewardship guide is acclaimed as a model, and our Mighty Superhero River Herring graphic stories have been received by hundreds of schoolchildren.

HPWA Education goals include:

  • Educating residents about the importance of maintaining a healthy watershed
  • Recommending best environmental practices for Pine Barrens residents
  • Encouraging reduced use of harmful household and yard products
  • Publicizing results of HPWA water quality monitoring and land protection efforts
  • Promoting membership and youth engagement


Outreach efforts include:

  • Distribution of HPWA Stewardship and Volunteer Action Guide to residents and visitors and policy makers
  • Distribution of superhero comics of the mighty river herring: Run, Herring Run and Go, Herring Go to youth and parents
  • Quarterly eNewsletters to HPWA members and friends
  • Public website posting of Education Committee Reports to HPWA Board of Directors
  • Posts to HPWA public Facebook page
  • Free public meeting educational programs
  • QR-coded Pine Barrens Plant ID Trail at David E. Alper Nature Preserve
  • Camperships for youth to attend summer camps in the ACEC: Camps Bournedale, Clark, and Hedges Pond