The Buzz on Mosquitoes
Thursday, April 18 at 7pm
Wildlands Trust Conservation Barn
675 Long Pond Rd. Plymouth
Join our program with Blake Dinius, Plymouth County Entomologist, hosted by Wildlands Trust in their Barn. We’ll review the latest research on mosquito bite prevention, as well as bust any myths along the way.
Mosquitoes are among the deadliest animals on the planet. But, only a small fraction of our 50+ mosquito species serve as human disease vectors. Many mosquitoes play critical roles in healthy ecosystem functioning.
Unfortunately, low natural diversity in human-modified landscapes favors some species over others. In addition, our behavior and attitudes may put us at risk for bites.
Mosquitoes are often the prime targets in land/water management and pesticide use and misuse. However, understanding vector biology holds the key to preventing disease.
Topics to be covered:
- Mysteries behind mosquito biology and ecology
- How diseases are cycled in the environment between animals and humans
- Empowering protection methods based on science
So come learn how to protect yourself and your family while maintaining a safe environment on:
Blake Dinius graduated with a degree in Biology from the University of Massachusetts – Boston. Soon after, he began a 7-year career in insect research where he directed studies on bees, lacewings, springtails, earthworms, and other critters. He helped to develop guidelines and practices that are currently being used world-wide in the world of ecotoxicology.
As an extension educator, Blake serves the county by delivering science-based education in the form of actionable items – Information that you can put into practice and rely on.
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