A Look at Recent Events
Herring Festival – April 22
At least a dozen Board and members helped set up, run and take down the very fun and popular HPWA Herring Run Obstacle Course at the Grist Mill Jenney Pond Park as part of the Plymouth Herring Festival. Many children, from toddlers who needed a little help from their parents, to adolescents who raced through the course many times, enjoyed climbing up through the obstacles a herring might encounter, fertilizing their egg and sliding down the hillside to ‘return to the sea’. Some Board members shared information about HPWA with the parents and grandparents as the children participated in the activities, including coloring a herring. Our Herring Comics were a welcome handout as well.
Owl Nest Box Workshop – May 6
Thanks to all of you who helped to make the Owl Box Workshop 2023 a success. Especially Phil Angell, Jim Smith and Lee Pulis who contributed substantial time and in Jim’s case lent his truck to the process.
We had 42 Owl boxes built on the day of the event. We had several multi-generational work teams (grandparent/grandchild), couples, and nuclear families participating. Everyone seemed to have fun and no band aids were needed. Since that day we have ‘sold’ 9 more. This workshop proved to be a financial success as well as a community building and environmental success!

HPWA owl house project at Little Red Schoolhouse

HPWA owl house project at Little Red Schoolhouse
Hometown Cleanup Day – May13
Board member Paul Denencourt coordinated the HPWA effort to clean up trash and litter in our watershed. Nine volunteers picked up a huge mound of trash including tires, which the Town DPW hauled away. It is unfortunate that Plymouth residents are so thoughtless and careless in littering and disposing of their trash. Lets all be mindful and dispose of trash properly. We can pick up litter as we walk everyday not just once a year to keep our watershed clean and beautiful.
Butterfly Walk with Blake Dinius – June 22
Although we only had 9 participants at this year’s walk, they included 4 very enthusiastic children and Blake rose to the challenge. He brought a net and small portable net enclosure with a clear window so that he could temporarily capture butterflies, dragonflies and various other bugs so that the children could see them up close. They were even able to handle some of them as they were released. The mother sent me the accompanying photos and thanked us for the opportunity. She said the little girl was still talking excitedly about the adventure.
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