Membership Committee Seeks Volunteers

Front row: Trisha O’Brien, Geri Williams, Beth Sobiloff
Back row: Ramona Krogman, Phil Angell, Jack Kedian, Melissa Ferretti, Brian Harrington, Don Williams, Tom O’Brien, Paul Denoncourt, Martha Sheldon, and John Foye
Jerry Levine was unavailable and missing from the photo.
Martha Sheldon
Membership Committee, chair
Looking for a volunteer job that might challenge your skills a bit and also have the reward of working with other HPWA volunteers?
The Membership Committee is looking to add a few more members. We are only 3 members and it is a big job. If you have moderate computer skills, are good with detail and want to contribute to a worthwhile organization, this might be a great fit for you. The job requires some tracking over time but is not difficult. The committee meets by Zoom once or twice a year.
Membership has grown over the years, and the Association has an urgent need for more management capability. If you enjoy learning and are interested, please contact Martha Sheldon at or Tel (774) 217-8362. I welcome your inquiries!
Annual Dues Appeal
The Association’s annual dues appeal letter is in the mail, so please look for that in your mailbox. We were delayed this year by the production of our new and updated HPWA brochure. We hope you enjoy it! If possible, please return your dues by July 20th, if possible. You can also join online here.
Membership dues are a key part of our ability to carry out our mission. Thank you for your support!
Membership Committee Seeks Volunteers — No Comments
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