President’s Letter
Don Williams

With your help, the Herring Ponds Watershed Association has been very successful in forging the partnerships and raising the funds necessary to respond to water quality problems. 



Citizen Science Volunteers Needed for Fish Count
Ramona Krogman

We need your help to document the number of fish returning to our ponds. 



Water Quality Report
Don Williams

I am very pleased to report that this spring a Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB) will be installed in the Carters River between Little Herring Pond (LHP) and Great Herring Pond (GHP). 

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Big Birds
Brian Harrington

Eagles, vultures, ospreys and large hawks––they all ply and fly the skies of our Herring River Watershed, and they all look pretty similar at a quick glance.

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Kristin Andres

Review of Kristin Andres’ program on Nature-Friendly Landscapes
By Geri Williams

”Everybody says they love Nature, but if you look at people’s yards, very few invite her over”, is a quote by Neil Diebold from Kristin that really stayed with me.

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Herring Fest Returns
Tess Goldmann

Make sure to practice your stream-swimming and predator-dodging skills, because our Herring Run Obstacle Course will be returning to this year’s Plymouth Herring Run Festival.

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Geri’s Garden Tips for Spring
Geri Williams

Now is the time to start planning your home landscape, check out the seed catalogues for ideas, and start some seeds.

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The Buzz on Mosquitoes – Thursday, April 18 at 7pm

Join our program with Blake Dinius, Plymouth County Entomologist, hosted by Wildlands Trust in their Barn. 

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Butterfly and Insect Walk – Saturday, June 15

Tired? Stressed? Unhappy? Stop and smell the roses! Or, in this case, observe the insects.

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Birds and Coffee – Saturday May 18th Birding with Brian Harrington and Martha Sheldon

Enjoy birds? Catch the spring bird migration at beautiful Carter Beal Conservation Area.

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Learn about Dangers to our Raptors
By William Fitsgerald

Join Rescue Plymouth Wildlife’s Public Kick-off Meeting, 10 APR | 6:30 PM EDT, Plymouth Public Library

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Meet a Legislator and Learn about State Environmental Concerns

On Monday, May 13 at 7pm, Dylan Fernandes, the Massachusetts State Representative for Falmouth, Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket will present an educational forum on the environmental issues facing Plymouth and the Cape

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